Listening Exercises: A Short Interactive Workshop

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Listening Exercises: A Short Interactive Workshop

from $0.00

Thank you for registering for our Listening Exercises workshop on November 28.

The below tuitions include a 3% processing fee.

Tuition Fee Structure
Thank you for reviewing our tiered fee structure, which reconciles our wish to make the training increasingly accessible with our need to cover staff labor and the rising costs of our materials. Please read the descriptions below and be in touch ( if you would like assistance selecting your tuition tier.

Please note: While we will provide a recording to all who register, we hope to reserve the lower-cost seats for those intending to attend the live session.

Independent: $77.25 [UNLIMITED]

Hand Up/Subsidized: $51.50 [LIMITED]
A limited number of $40 spaces have been reserved for participants who work in under-resourced economies (education, social work, etc) and need a hand-up to participate at this time

Fellowship: $0 [LIMITED]
These spaces are reserved as part of an equity initiative to support more BIPOC participation and historically marginalized voices at the table and in the field. If you are eligible based on these criteria and cannot attend at the standard tuition rate, please select this option.

Please select the tuition tier that best reflects your situation.:
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