Our team is available for:
Consulting, Staff Training, Curriculum Development, and Public Workshops.

We have a range of expertise, including: exhibit design, community training, interviewing, videography, archiving, sound editing, public event planning, and project design.

Please contact us for more information about how we can help you plan, collect, and share your community project, family history, institutional history, or onsite archive.

Additionally, we believe in the use of oral history to build rapport, to develop listening skills, and to invite personal growth; we can develop workshops that emphasize the process and transformative potential of oral history.

Oral History Summer School Clients/Training Sites:
Judd Foundation
Bard College (Art Department/Anthropology)
Place Corps
Center for Reproductive Rights
Columbia University
History Colorado
Hudson Valley Writing Project
HBO Productions
Nichole Canuso Dance Company
Jesse Brown VA Hospital in conjunction with the Poetry Foundation
National Library of Kosovo
National Public Housing Museum
New York Academy of Medicine
Lehigh Valley Engaged Humanities Consortium
University of Chicago
New School University
Newtown Creek Community Health and Harms Narrative Project
Prison Public Memory Project
Guantanamo Public Memory Project
Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University
Wave Farm's WGXC 90.7-FM
Community Solutions
Vassar College
Hudson Area Library